News 19th September 2023

Some FAQs for audiences about our IMPACT survey

What is it?

We are running an audience survey to evidence the impact of attendance at arts and cultural spaces across Northern Ireland. We’ve named it the IMPACT Survey - Impact Measurement of People Attending Culture Today. The survey was launched in September 2023 and will be running through 31st March 2025

Why are we doing it?

The aims are twofold: to help arts and culture organisations, and to help the wider sector.

Survey results will be used to help participating arts and culture organisations understand their audiences better, including the impact they have on people’s lives. Having this information will give them the opportunity to help improve the visitor experience as well as have important data to advocate for more funding, enabling them to keep their doors open to you.

The collective results will feed into a larger report to evidence the impact that arts and culture has on people’s lives here in Northern Ireland. We will be using this research to help advocate for better funding for the cultural sector.

How long will it take me?

The survey should take 5-10 minutes to complete.

What’s in it for me?

If you take part, you can enter for a chance to win 2 tickets to your choice of one of the following venues, with more being added everyday. We will be doing two drawings: one in January and one in April.

· Ardhowen Theatre

· Ards Arts Centre

· Belfast International Arts Festival

· Black Box

· CCA Derry~Londonderry

· Circusful

· ISLAND Arts Centre

· Oh Yeah Music Centre

· Portico of Ards

· SSE Arena

· Strule Arts Centre

· The Duncairn

· The Lyric Theatre

· The MAC

· The Naughton Gallery

· Waterfront Hall

· Young at Art (Belfast Children’s Festival)

· Belvoir Theatre

Do I have to give any personal information in the survey?

If you want to take part in the prize draw, we ask for your name and email address so we can contact you if you win. This is completely optional though, and personal data won’t be used for any other purpose. You can read more about our research privacy policy here.

Questions? Give us a shout - email us at

Laura Cusick

Research Analyst

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