News 7th October 2021

Missing Audiences is closing on 24th October

It feels so refreshing to be slowly transitioning back to a world that looks a little bit more like normal life every day. Cultural organisations have experienced many hardships since the beginning of the pandemic, with staggered opening dates, staffing issues and a host of new health and safety measures to put in place to contend with. We are having lots of conversations within the sector about the issues that they are facing due to covid, and we’re hearing the same thing again and again - that many organisation’s previously loyal audience members aren't attending frequently or simply haven’t returned back at all. Don’t worry - we’re here to help!

We have partnered with the Insights Alliance (Indigo Ltd, Baker Richards and One Further) to deliver the follow-up of After the Interval and Culture Beyond Covid, Missing Audiences, in Northern Ireland.

Missing Audiences is a free survey, designed for organisations who have reopened, to find out why some of their previous bookers or visitors have not yet returned or don’t have a future booking with them.

Organisations can use this data to gauge missing audience’s confidence levels and appetite for enhanced safety measures and understand if your audience’s lack of attendance is due solely to Covid. This information will be invaluable for creating re-attendance campaigns to specifically target these audiences. By taking part, you’ll have access to your results in real-time and you’ll also be part of a national benchmark, building up a picture of cultural audiences across NI and the rest of the UK.

To let us know you want to take part, please fill in our participant information form.

Please note that the first wave of the survey will close on 24th October. There will be a second wave starting in January 2022.

Alternatively, if you only reopened recently or you're about to reopen, you could take part in the Experience Survey. It is a short post-visit survey which captures audience and visitor sentiment after attending an in-person event. It will help assess the success of safety measures in place, measure audience confidence levels and give you vital data about who is returning. To sign up, please fill in this participant information form.

If you have any questions which are not covered in the FAQs, please get in touch with Maurane Ramon at or Flo Carr at

To find out more about the way Missing Audiences work, have a look of our FAQs.

Supported by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland.


Sarah Blake Knox

Client Programme Coordinator

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