News 30th April 2024

Paid opportunity at Little Amal The Seahorse and the Wolf

We are looking for 10 people to help us surveying members of the public at the opening ceremony of Little Amal, The Seahorse and the Wolf taking place in Custom House Square on Thursday 16th May. This is a paid opportunity.

What is Little Amal?

Little Amal is the 12 foot puppet of a 10 year old Syrian refugee child at the heart of The Walk. She has become a global symbol of human rights, especially those of refugees.

Little Amal is now on her way to Belfast. It will be the first stop on her first journey across the island of Ireland. The opening ceremony will be taking place in Custom House Square on Thursday 16th May between 18.30 and 20.30.

This event is part of Belfast 2024 and is organised by ArtsEkta.

What is this paid opportunity?

We will be carrying out a visitor survey at the opening ceremony of Little Amal, as part of the evaluation of Belfast 2024. Our aim is to complete 300 surveys within a 2-hour window. For this reason, we need some 10 extra pairs of hands to help us with this task.

Who are we looking for?

  • We are looking for 10 friendly and outgoing people.
  • No prior experience or specific research skills are needed.
  • Adults only, 18+.

What can you expect?

  • There will be a briefing session on Thursday 16th May at 18.00 near Custom House Square. We will confirm location closer to the time. During this session, we will explain how to collect surveys and answer any questions you may have ahead of the event.
  • You will be required to collect 11 surveys per hour, so 22 surveys in total between 18.30 and 20.30.
  • You will be paid £50 for your time.

How to apply?

Please complete this online form by 12 noon on Monday 13th May.

Should you have any difficulty accessing or completing an online application, please contact Sarah at, allowing reasonable time, to discuss alternative arrangements such as audio, video or completing your application in.

Applications will be acknowledged by email.

All applicants will receive a response by close of business Tuesday 14th May.

We’re looking forward to meeting you!

Sarah Blake Knox

Client Programme Coordinator

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