How to send a survey toolkit

What's the deal with surveys? Surveys are a fantastic way to connect with your audience, gain insight into their needs and help your own organisation improve its services.

So, you’ve put in the time and energy into creating a standalone survey. Now what? The next step is to work out the smartest way to get it in front of your audience, so you can get the most—and best—survey responses.

There are many different types of surveys out there and finding the one that suits you best is crucial. For instance, if you would like to reach multiple people at same time, are looking for an environmentally friendly option, or would like to include links in survey, email may be the option for you!

In this toolkit, you will discover:

  1. How to collect the responses you need for your survey
  2. Which type of survey is best for your organisation
  3. A pros and cons list for different types of survey

Download our toolkit to learn tips on the different tools you can use to find out more about your new visitors.

In this short toolkit, we are looking at different types of surveys and finding the one that works best for you.

Thrive How to send a survey toolkit

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(PDF 547KB)

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