Segmenting your audience toolkit

People who come to your venue or event are all different: who they are, where they live, what they like and how they live their lives. For this reason, you shouldn't treat your audience as one big homogeneous group. Instead, identify their characteristics and whether there is common ground between them. This way, you will be able to group them into 'segments' and tailor your offer and communications to the preferences of each group.

We're often quick to turn to demographics, especially age groups, to segment our audience. However, there are other types of segmentation that are worth looking into.

In this toolkit, you will discover:

  1. Why segmentation is important
  2. What type of data you can use for your segmentation
  3. Which segmentation is best for your organisation
  4. A step-by-step checklist

If you'd like to chat with us about your audience, book one of our free, one-to-one, audience appointments.

There are different ways to segment your audience. In this toolkit, we're giving you tips to create your own successful segmentation.

Thrive Segmentation Toolkit

Download toolkit
(PDF 392KB)

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