North West Audience Snapshot: Audiences with Disabilities

The North West Audience Survey, now in its second year, is currently collecting data on arts and heritage audiences in Derry and Donegal. We’ve gained a lot of valuable insight and wanted to share some with you, as well as letting you know how your organisation can get involved (spoiler alert: it’s easy!) We’ll be sharing these insights in the form of snapshots, the first of which focuses on audiences with disabilities. If you have any questions about the snapshot, or the North West Audience Survey itself, please email Eve at

Download our audience snapshot

The North West Audience Development project was commissioned by the Derry City & Strabane District Council and Donegal County Council.

Donegal County Council Logo

Derry City & Strabane Logo

In its second year, the North West Audience Survey is currently gathering data on arts and heritage audiences in Derry and Donegal. Please find our first snapshot of our findings, which looks at audiences with disabilities.

North West Audience Snapshot Audiences with Disabilities

Download snapshot
(PDF 134KB)

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