Foundations report 2020-2021

What is the Foundations report?

Every year, we look at box office data to uncover insights into audiences for venues and festivals across Northern Ireland and identify benchmark figures for our region. This benchmark data is to help you understand what the ticketed landscape is like in Northern Ireland, as well as by the different audience groups (event audiences, participatory audiences, and festival audiences). This way, you can compare your own individual figures with the benchmark, so you know where you stand.

For 2020/21, we've worked with 16 organisations, including Belfast venues, regional venues and festivals. Given the situation of the Covid-19 pandemic during the 2020-21 financial year, we have decided to focus this year’s Foundations report solely on events that took place online.

We look at things like:

  • The big picture (total number of household bookers, tickets sold, how much audiences spent and average achieved capacity)
  • Customer behaviour (returning customers, their engagement and average basket size)
  • Ticket yield
  • Supply and demand

How do we think it can help you?

Not only do we think it will help you to know where you stand in comparison to the rest of the NI sector, but it will inform your future audience development and pricing strategies.

Want to participate in our future Foundations report?

No problem! Please contact our Client Relationship Executive Catherine McLaughlin at and she'll give you more information.

Our Foundations report shows what the ticketed landscape was like in Northern Ireland in 2020-2021. It uncovers insights into audiences for venues and festivals across Northern Ireland and identifies benchmark figures for our region.

Thrive Foundations 2020 21

Download report
(PDF 984KB)

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