BLOG 17th October 2023

Change is good

At thrive, we are always talking about the importance of relationships – your relationship with the public, your funders, your audiences, and your staff. And an integral part of any relationship is trust and transparency. So on that note, let me be candid.

You’ll be seeing soon that we will be recruiting for 2 roles – one of which is my role as Head of Sector Development.

I have made the decision to step into a different role – Research Analyst. This role will allow me to work part-time but still support the wonderful research that lies at the heart of our organisation. I’ll still be at thrive, just focusing my time on developing surveys and analysing data instead of leading on sector development.

Why the change?

Because right now, my other relationships – my family, need me more.

As some of you may already know, I have two children. One of them – my son, is autistic, demand-avoidant, and non-verbal. This means he requires a significant amount of specialised care, as a lot of things can trigger his anxiety and he cannot communicate what is wrong.

As my son is getting bigger and his needs are changing, I need to adapt. I’m fortunate that thrive is adapting with me, and has carved out a part-time role that will enable me to spend more time caring for my family but still allowing me to do the research that I love.

Thank you for your understanding.

Laura Cusick

Research Analyst

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