BLOG 8th December 2017

Get involved in Foundations 2018 - our NI box office bench-marking project

Earlier in the year, we practiced what we preach and did some customer research. (Very useful, evidence-based programming, I know some folks on the Donegall Road who have very reasonable rates… ahem…) In all seriousness, talk to your customers – they love you, and they’re full of good ideas.

What came out loud and clear was the desire for benchmarking to help you understand how you compare against the venue down the road. So, we’re getting the band back together to reform our annual Foundations box office benchmark.

It’s been 10 years since the project started focused on Patron Edge venues, and Foundations expanded over time to include multiple different ticketing systems and most of the ticketed organisations with box office systems across Northern Ireland were involved. This was my first big project during my first stint here, so I’m looking forward to bringing it back with a thrive slant.

If you'd like to find out more about what will be covered in the benchmark, you can check out our Foundations factsheet. But the data is only the start of what you’ll get out of being involved...

Your report will give you invaluable information on your customer behavior. How often are people coming, do they tend to book more than once, are they booking online, and how far in advance do they book? You'll also get information on your marketing database - are you collecting as many emails as your peers when people buy tickets? How can you learn from others to improve?

Ask anyone who was involved before, and you’ll hear similar things. The time out of the office to properly think about your customers. The evidence that proves the change you’ve been arguing for is essential. The reassurance that you’re all in the same boat. The chance to talk about what isn’t working for you and to hear new ideas and success stories from your colleagues at other venues.

These are the things which make Foundations more than just a benchmark, so let’s see what your box office system has to say for itself.

How much will it cost to be included?

  • For venues, the cost is £400 plus VAT. And for an optional extra of £50 plus VAT you can also find out how many duplicate records are clogging up your database.
  • For festivals, foundations is priced at £250 plus VAT. And for an optional extra of £25 plus VAT you can also find out how many duplicate records are clogging up your database.

When will it take place?

We’re looking to collect the data from the 2017 calendar year at the start of 2018, delivering the findings in April and May next year (so you can include this in next year’s budget!).

How do I sign up?

For more information or to sign up for the next round of Foundations, drop me an email.

Chris Palmer

Strategic Insights Director

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