Raw Data from our North West Audience Survey

We are releasing the raw data from our North West Audience Survey 2022-24.

What is the North West Audience Survey?

The North West Audience Development Project is the first piece of cross-border research to shed light on behaviours and patterns in audiences of arts, culture and heritage across Derry, Strabane, and Donegal. The North West Audience Survey has offered valuable insight into audiences with disabilities, satisfaction rates, and how audiences in the North West value arts, culture and heritage as part of their lives.

Why are we releasing the raw data?

We love working with organisations to distribute surveys, analysing the data and reporting on what we find. And we’re going to continue doing that. But we also love transparency.

This is a publicly funded programme, and its aim is to help organisations access quality, relevant data. By giving you full access to the work we do, you may gain further audience insights. You might dig into an area that’s of specific interest to your organisation, such as artform or new audience behaviours. Or you might want to see how your audiences differ from the average and begin to figure out why that’s the case.

Or, you might just be data nerd who loves a spreadsheet.

The raw data is in the form of an Excel sheet, with a handy introduction written by our Research Analyst, Laura, which will tell you about our methodology and guide you on how to read the data.

Download the North West Audience Survey Raw Data

Read the North West Report 2023-24

If your organisation would like to take part in the North West Audience Survey, you can email Eve – eve@wewillthrive.co.uk.

The North West survey is supported by Derry City & Strabane District Council and Donegal County Council

The raw data from our North West Audience Survey contains survey responses from 4,420 participants across 39 Donegal County Council and Derry City and Strabane District Council organisations collected from April 2022 to March 2024.

Thrive North West Survey data 22 24

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